Event Details: Sales through Service How to get great results in the short and long term in a volatile economy A short, powerful and free seminar for... ... A short, powerful and free seminar for business leaders and managers in Devon & Cornwall, from Great or Poor ( www.greatorpoor.com ) to add value to and build relationships with local businesses. Date: 27th September 2013; Venue: The Devon Hotel, Matford, Exeter, Devon EX2 8XU; Time: 8.00am to 10.00am& ...
rate the get motivated business seminar
Get Motivated! Business Seminar. Author An article by Cecilia Camps Comments No Comments. “Formal education will make you a living; self education will make you a fortune,” said Jim Rohn, famed entrepreneur and business ... Get Motivated is a series of lectures taking place in different cities, featuring first-rate speakers like former Mayor of New York Rudy Giuliani, comedian Bill Cosby, General Colin Powell, and famed quarterback Joe Montana, to name a few.
Bloomberg News. PREV of NEXT. A "Get Motivated" business seminar attracted a big crowd in February in Oklahoma City ... He represented National Marketing Resources, another company that paid to appear on Get Motivated programs. Billboards and ads in cities ... At an Investools course in February, the teacher told students that options, contracts to trade a security at a set price by a certain date, could yield 18 percent annually. That is a performance achieved by& ...
Get Motivated seminar sells 12000 tickets Organizers of Monday`s all-day motivational seminar at the Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena said they`ve sold about 12000 tickets to the event so far. Tamara Lowe of Get Motivated said there are still seats in all the price ranges, which start ... says its fiscal first-quarter profit slipped 6 percent as recession weary diners stayed home. The company says record unemployment rates kept customers away from its restaurants.
Event Details: Sales through Service How to get great results in the short and long term in a volatile economy A short, powerful and free seminar for... ... A short, powerful and free seminar for business leaders and managers in Devon & Cornwall, from Great or Poor ( www.greatorpoor.com ) to add value to and build relationships with local businesses. Date: 27th September 2013; Venue: The Devon Hotel, Matford, Exeter, Devon EX2 8XU; Time: 8.00am to 10.00am& ...
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